Green Hills Farm Gippsland Garlic

Sustainably grown garlic - healthy for people and the planet
Garlic is good for humans
It's a healthy, flavoursome mainstay of most great global cuisines.
Our Gippsland garlic is both those things. It's also unbleached and unsprayed.
Our garlic crop is currently being harvested. Subscribe to our seasonal newsletter to be the first to hear when it is available for purchase.

How do you like your garlic?
There's a 95% chance that the gleaming white garlic you grab in the supermarket was industrially grown in China or elsewhere.
Most likely, it's been:
irradiated to stop it sprouting
sprayed to extend its shelf life, possibly with Maleic Hydrazide, a banned product in Australia
bleached of its natural, earthy colours
Furthermore, at the end of its chemically controlled voyage to Australia, your imported garlic is fumigated. After that, it's shipped and cold-stored.
How we like ours
Our unbleached garlic is:
raised on rainwater, sunshine, and an occasional slurp of liquid seaweed
hand-harvested when the perfectly formed bulbs reach the right size
dried gently in a cool, breezy covered spot before being placed in 100% earth-friendly packaging and shipped to you
In short, our five varieties of Gippsland garlic are grown with loads of love and zero chemicals.

Our Varieties
Play favourites or challenge your palate

Purple Turban
A hard-necked member of the Turban garlic family, probably first grown by Italian migrant communities in the 1970s.
Stir-frying, sautéing, salad dressing, dips, and pesto
Middle Eastern and Eastern and Southern European cuisine. Its sweet, nutty flavour also works a treat in Asian dishes
For up to four to six months, if carefully stored

Italian Purple Stripe
A hard-necked adaptable member of the Standard Purple Stripe garlic family.
Adding a bold, sweet, garlicky edge to lightly cooked dishes and caramelising beautifully when roasted
Middle Eastern and European cuisines
For up to three to six months, if carefully stored
Green Hills Farm
Wine + Garlic + Salt
In cahoots with Gippsland's young gun winemakers, we're producing limited-release batches of blushingly beautiful, wine-infused garlic salt.
A finishing salt to flavour bomb lamb roasts and give grilled steaks and baked spuds a stellar hit of herbaceous, garlicky oomph.
Teaming top Gippsland drops with great garlic and sublime Australian salt. Fancy a foodie menage à trois? Here you go:
William Downie Wines 2021
Pinot + Garlic + Salt -
A.R.C Wines 2021
Chardonnay + Garlic + Salt -
Allevare Wines 2021
Shiraz + Garlic + Salt

For sale in 70g jars online while stocks last.
Limited stock available online now until sold out.
Subscribe to stay tuned for season 2022 salts.
Gippslanders, you'll find limited supplies of our garlic at Gippsland Food & Wine and Hogget Kitchen. We're growing our list of local outlets and we'll keep you updated here.
*Your order will combine 900 grams of garlic and 100 grams of packaging to comply with Australia Post's rules for one-kilo boxes.